Vertical Alignment

With the foment around new standards, the uncertainty around changing state assessments, and the genuine desire to keep student learning at the forefront, "my" school has started to reevaluate the practices, expectations, and content we cover in the math department 5-12.  We have taken these new curriculum frameworks as an opportunity rather than a burden.

The documents below are renderings of the common core standards to facilitate reflection around our program 5-12.  These are still in development.

4th through 7th grade Massachusetts' Frameworks in mathematics by domain:

Algebra I through Precalculus Massachusetts' Frameworks in mathematics by domain:

I have also attempted to organize our current path to graduation in the following schematic:


Current Algebra 2 Course Map

The hope hear is that a concerted effort to meet the content claims of these standards will support an AP-for-all with our twelth graders; however, retaining the option for students to take discrete mathematics during their senior year.