Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Algebra 1 - Common Core Resources

There is a growing number of online resources for this foundational high school course including more traditional sets of resources that are comprised of an organized set of files as well as completely online courses.  Please find below various links to these resources.  Let me know if there are others I should add!

Algebra 1 Teachers


Here is the description from this website maintained by Jeanette Stein:

"Algebra 1 Teachers is a tool that will help with Algebra 1 scope and sequence using the new Common Core State Standards. Lesson plans, assessments, activities, organization, and even tips on keeping your sanity will be addressed on this website and in my newsletter."

This is a compilation of resources from around the web as well as specific documents created by teachers do address the common core state standards.  It is organized by unit and standard to offer both resources as well as a reasonable scope and sequence for Algebra 1.